Is Your Web App Not Making Money? Fix It Now

No denial, diagnosing, or treating web app is a common dilemma. People spend thousands of dollars to launch an app for their business progression, but nothing happens, and their money goes in vain. So, are you thinking about how to make money from your app?

App development is not like boiling an ocean, but it requires exceptional expertise and skills to design an app that makes you money and profit. Sadly, people go through five stages of grief after designing a useless web app.

  1. This should not happen
  2. Am I responsible for it?
  3. Please app developer fix my app bugs for free because I am left with no money
  4. Why does nothing good ever happen to me?
  5. It was a lesson learned; I shouldn’t repeat these mistakes in upcoming projects.

It happens every time, and everyone experiences such difficulties. People earn no profit even after launching a successful app. Sometimes, minor tweaks can fix your apps, but no one pays heed to them, as the problem occurs when you hire unprofessional app developers for your project. Of course, you want to create an app out of curiosity to determine ‘does creating an app makes money but selecting incompetent app developers can give you depression but not money (you wish to earn from your app).

Web App

Diagnose and Treat the Failing Web App

If you genuinely intend to know how to make money from your app, you must learn from your mistakes because an apology without a change is just manipulation. One key thing that requires your proper consideration is never to give up until you figure out why you failed and are left with no recovery option. Then, there may be a glimmer of hope for you.

‘Does creating an app make money is an exciting and motivating question for entrepreneurs. First, however, you must try finding out why your app is not making money because you cannot treat the problem if you have not diagnosed it correctly. This is where most startups get it wrong. They start assuming about the app and prescribe some cures without knowing the history and symptoms of the apps. That’s why your app health starts deteriorating without showing any improvement.

Let’s diagnose your failing app and the best way to treat it as it’s an ideal way to determine how app developers make money.

App Diagnosis Steps to Follow

Here’s what you must follow to diagnose the issues with your apps.

• Finding the Weak Links

There is something wrong with your app design process or the final product. It could be in any of the below-mentioned areas; you can also call them links.

Finding where faults lie is a complete deduction process. Begin with the first step and examine each link thoroughly until you find the weak point. It is always the best idea to move sequentially from left to right (as mentioned in the above diagram).

Remember; do not stop if you have found out weak point in one link. There’s an excellent probability of finding more faults in some other links.

Let’s start this way.

Link 1: Market Needs/Demands

Have you built the app after proper market research? Or did you design it based on your assumptions?

If not, market research is the key to making your app stand out from the crowd. First, figure out if there is any need to launch an app. Do people need your app services or not? Designing an app and waiting for people to download it is not a reliable approach. If people don’t need your app, stop wasting your time and money convincing them.

Have you done proper market research before designing an app? Great, because now you can move on to link 2.

Link 2: Targeted Audience Fit

While doing market research, have you spent some time determining your audience’s demographics?

If not, you must create a particular user persona that focuses on your targeted audience. Keenly observe their objectives, obstacles, and requirements. Then, does your app understand their needs, and have you designed it in their language? If not, then you can’t expect the targeted audience to download your app. However, there is still a chance of recovering it.

Yes? Did you focus on their demographics? Now you can move on to link 3.

Link 3: Competitive Analysis

Have you designed a competitive app after completing a competitive analysis or assessing their app price and demand?

Sadly, it’s wrong to assume that you don’t have any competitors in the market. Every app has some competitors. If your app doesn’t have any competitors, then it has no purpose.

You have two options here;
=> Either to design an app that works better than your competitors
=> Introducing a unique app
You can move on to link 4 if you have developed your app after proper competitive analysis.

Link 4: Business Model

You must check your app’s transaction method because it’s necessary. First, ask yourself if your app is trustworthy for the payment transaction. Have you committed to proper market analysis?

NO? If not, don’t fret because you can fix the issue by data analysis, i.e., if you have installed the analytics. Minor tweaks can make things better for you. Running an A/B test is another fantastic way to analyze your business model and find out the issues with your presented business model.

If yes, don’t wait and move on to link 5.

Link 5: App Design

Have you designed your app after focusing on user interference? Is your app engaging and aesthetically well?
NO? If not, then you need to redesign your app. Design it better after keeping in mind your users’ requirements. Your app must be engaging to them.

Remember, only the expert web app developers can help identify and design an app according to your targeted audience. Besides, they can explain to you how app developers make money.

Link 6: App Development

Have you tested your app? Does it work well according to clients’ requirements?

NO? If not, then you need to test your app frequently. Test it on multiple devices and make sure it works well everywhere. Sometimes a minor bug can cause some swear glitches, and it becomes essential for you to fix that bug. If yes, then move on to link 7 now.

Link 6: App Development

Have you tested your app? Does it work well according to clients’ requirements?

NO? If not, then you need to test your app frequently. Test it on multiple devices and make sure it works well everywhere. Sometimes a minor bug can cause some swear glitches, and it becomes essential for you to fix that bug. If yes, then move on to link 7 now.

Link 7: Marketing

Have your targeted audience started downloading your app or not? It’s a fundamental question, but you cannot overlook it.

If not, you must know that all the links mentioned above work fine. That’s why you have come to marketing now.
Take marketing seriously and hire professionals for this purpose. Marketing is a fantastic way to make your app popular (if you have done it right).

If yes, then here’s the link to consider.

Link 8: Timings

Timings are everything, and you must know the importance of time before the ship sails.
Have you introduced an app according to ongoing trends and requirements? Do people need your app, or is it ahead of time or outdated now?


If not, then you can put your money and effort at stake. For instance, introducing a telehealth app amidst a pandemic makes sense. But it’s useless to introduce your app when people don’t need it. If yes, then you need to repeat the entire procedure. Go back to link one and start examining it again. Do market research and make sure you have found the loophole.

Wrapping Up of Web App

The discussion above has made it evident that ‘How to make money from your app’ shouldn’t be a question, especially when you have tested all the links properly.

You can also contact Wizspeed, as our expert web app design and development team can help you encounter mistakes in your app. Also, they can explain the best possible ways to resolve such issues.