Types of Website Designs and Their Key Functions

Impressive types of website designs can improve your company’s multiple aspects, including revenue, sales, and customer outreach. However, if you plan to create an attractive and effective website to strengthen your online business presence, you must design an appropriate website according to your business type or products/services.

Undeniably, only the expert Chicago website design companies can identify the ideal web design for your website after looking into your business type properly.

We are currently explaining the web design concept and introducing some of the most popular website designs and layouts. So, hire a web design company Chicago after reading the entire discussion correctly.

The Concept of Web Design

The act of designing and developing websites for the internet is known as web design. An individual requires a special skill set and resources (including developing and software coding) to create a professional website these days. Besides, you need to focus on user interface and experience for better results.

The user experience includes the layout, functionality, content, and overall appearance of a website. Only the competent website designers Chicago opt for the most distinctive ways to add relevant information to the website and make it look engaging for the visitors. That’s why web designers use different web design types and layouts to accomplish this goal.
Before we explain several types of web design, let us highlight the importance of hiring a professional web designing agency or competent web designers.

Why Should You Choose Professional Web Designers Chicago?

Have you ever tried creating a website without any skills and expertise? Or have you created a website using a free template? Indeed, designing a top-notch website for free or without any expertise is not an easy take. First, you must choose a certified Chicago web design firm to design a fantastic website.

Did you know a poorly designed website can have devastating outcomes? We have highlighted a few for you.

  • 75% of consumers judge your business based on the website you have created for this purpose.
  • 56% of internet users avoid recommending the poorly designed website to others.
  • 40% of users stop engaging with a website with an unattractive layout.

Consumers prefer reading beautifully designed and well-written content compared to a plain one. That is why hiring a design company that understands ongoing trends is always needed to take your business to new heights.

Here are some significant benefits.

  • Top-quality site
  • Excellent users experience
  • Better strategy
  • Mobile-friendly design
  • The finest call-to-action

So, make your visitors potential customers by designing a website with all the required features.

Types of Website Designs

Types of Website Designs

We have compiled a list of renowned website designs for you. However, you are recommended to choose the one that fits well and describes your business type.

• Single Page Design

A single-page web design is the best option if you want to convey all relevant information about your website on one page. The designers can extend this single page as it entirely depends on the information they want to include. Users can scroll down to find out the desired information they are looking for.

Businesses and companies use narratives or linear journeys to provide better information flow and make it related to users.
Remember, choosing the best Chicago web design company to create a single-page website for your business is preferable because collecting all desired information and adding it in a single page is challenging.

Amazingly, this design is considered versatile due to its multiple uses. For example, you can use it to sell products or explain your company’s journey and portfolio.

• Responsive Design

One of a responsive website’s best and most impressive features is that its layout and display can be adjusted according to screen type. So, whether you visit a website from a desktop, laptop, or mobile phone, the display, information, and content can be adjusted according to screen size.
This web design is preferable because users can visit responsive websites from any device.

• Fixed Design

This type of website cannot be changed or adjusted according to screen sizes. Instead, the site uses restricted resolution, and its measurement never changes whether you view it from small or large screens. As a result, the website design and resolution remain the same and consistent on every device.
Small screen users find it annoying because everything displays clearly on the screen. Furthermore, users need to make extra effort to scroll down the page and find relevant information.

• Static Website

A website with little or no user interaction is known as a static website. The design of a static website remains consistent on every platform. Basic code, including HTML and CSS, is used for creating a static website with multiple web pages. Usually, creating a website with a static design does not involve considerable cost.
This website is simple to create with limited visitor interaction. You can opt for static website design if you must create an informative website instead of an E-commerce one.

• Dynamic Website

As the name explains, unlike static websites, dynamic websites allow for maximum user interaction. A dynamic website is considered exciting for the visitors as it grabs their attention due to distinctive designs and features. However, the codes (including JavaScript, ASP, or PHP) require little versatility to create dynamic web pages. Besides, designing a website is expensive and requires more loading time due to its dynamic features.
You can better sell your products or services by using an enticing display for promoting your brands. Remember that only the web design company Chicago, with an impressive portfolio, can create a dynamic website with remarkable features.

• Liquid Design

Liquid design is like responsive design. However, the key dissimilarity is that it can’t manipulate layout according to screen size. Instead, the design itself shrinks or stretches the overall webpage to fit according to the chosen window.
You must choose a liquid design for your website if you don’t want to sacrifice your webpage information according to screen size. Nevertheless, it can shrink the design if you are viewing the website from a small screen.

Wizspeed Plugs Ideas for Your Brands

We lead the way in website design!
Whether you want to choose a liquid design, static or responsive one, hiring a reliable Chicago web design company is always needed to fulfill the objective.

You can contact Wizspeed because we can make the ideas come alive on the internet.
So, visit us now and design a website that sets your business’ foundation.