Guide to Usability Testing Your WordPress Website

Learn how to Run a Usability Test on Your WordPress Website in this article!

Do you know 16.5% of high-tech companies have started giving core importance to customer engagement? Besides, 15.5% of large enterprises plan to invest more in enhancing customer experience (Source: McKinsey Quarterly).

What does it explain to you? It explains that user experience is getting significant importance these days and becoming the foundation for businesses with an online presence. Whether running an old business or starting a new setup, peek user testing or usability test has become imperative for companies to track down their challenges and enhance their products and websites.

Nevertheless, hiring a professional website usability consultant is imperative because only the expert consultants can assess your WordPress website and determine the best possible ways to improve customer experience after conducting an in-depth usability test.

Significance of Usability Test

There are endless, remarkable benefits of peek user testing or usability test, but we are emphasizing some of the most impressive ones for you.

  • Usability testing helps sales hackers to improve their engagement by using user feedback. Additionally, brand loyalty augments when they start working more on effective sales strategies.
  • Saves companies and end-users’ time.
  • Helps in creating better brands or products
  • Determines usability goals of the customers

So, it’s the most suitable time to start if you are not on the usability train.
Here’s a step-by-step guide you must follow while conducting a usability test. Remember; don’t forget to hire a website usability consultant for desired outcomes.


Why Usability Testing Rocks?

We will highlight some quick reasons to rely more on user testing, mainly when you intend to improve your website’s online visibility.

  • Makes simpler for you to dive into the user’s minds
  • Finds-out significant and minor usability flaws
  • Advances users’ satisfaction level considerably

You can create the best user experience for the visitors by conducting a usability test. Then, gladly, you satisfy your customers with incomparable user’s experience; they start promoting your brand and website.

Usability Test: Truly Worth Your Money, Time & Effort

A usability test enables you to test as many aspects of your website as possible. However, we are discussing three main aspects for you.

Let’s start discussing!!!

1- Intuitive Navigation

This principle is equally applicable to your WordPress website and all other products. Natural design always attracts people when design follows their natural thought process.

Remember, navigating user testing is essential to confirm that visitors land on the right page without confusion.

You can start assessing links and buttons because users navigate through your website using buttons and links. But, first, make sure you have answered the following questions.

  • Are the added labels simple and understandable?
  • Have you added relevant links according to landing pages?
  • Can users quickly locate your links, or do they have any dropdown menu?
  • Has this WordPress website added a navigation button on the homepage?

When you add links with clear labels, users can locate them anytime and don’t leave a website without visiting the desired page. Moreover, they don’t click the back button on different pages of your website.
Remember, users, are primarily busy and always expect some quick solutions every time they visit a website. If they don’t find the solution on your website, they can move to your competitors’ websites without giving your website any second chance.
Therefore, navigating user testing is necessary to create a responsive and user-friendly WordPress website for visitors.

2- Efficient to Use

Have you ever filled up ten pages applications that made you feel like you have wasted your time and effort? No matter if the interface is easy, it shouldn’t take considerable time and effort. Users avoid spending hours on a website to find out desired information.

So, what is the ideal way to confirm your website’s efficiency?

  • Try not to add maximum steps to complete the task
  • Minimize the number of times the user switches between the mouse and the keyboard
  • Make sure you have added limited pages for users’ navigation
  • Optimize mobile usability

Your website should give a pleasing experience to users, not a headache. If your website takes ages to load and requires several formalities, then keep in mind online competition is getting fierce, and users can shift to your competitors’ websites without any second thought.

3- Attention Level

Knowing which areas of a website are grabbing maximum attention and which are not is imperative.

You can measure it using two separate ways;

  • Track the most loomed areas of the website. The mouse’s position must be aligned closely to the user’s visual attention.
  • Check which links and buttons are clicked by the users.

Once you figure out the targeted audience, the next essential step is to start designing per their requirements. It can help you identify which area of the website grabs more attention and which area still requires improvement. Besides, you can work on choosing the most appealing design for your website.

Online Vs. In-person Usability Testing: Which One is Preferable?

You are free to check your website’s usability in-person, online, or by combining both methods. First, however, it is essential to find out ‘Why.’

In-person Usability Testing:

One of the key benefits of this testing is that it ensures better flexibility and control, i.e., you can run the test at your convenience. You can dig deeper into the question and analyze better about the website. Additionally, the method is preferable when you don’t have to run maximum tests at a time. However, you must know that this test is costly and involves substantial time. Also, the user feels pressured while answering different questions.

Online-Usability Test:

Online usability tests can deploy by choosing maximum users. You can efficiently conduct and analyze the data as users can share their feedback anytime and anywhere. Nevertheless, the key drawback of an online usability test is that you can collect many details compared to in-person testing. You can tweak your results based on users’ performance. Conducting an online test by allowing users to join your video call session is recommended. Indeed, not all users can join it, but limited participation is better.

You must choose the right audience to get precise results.


It is simple to understand what you have designed. Indeed, you have created something, and you will appreciate it. But you need a strong opinion from a neutral person. That’s why; hiring a website usability consultant can help you. You have designed your website for the users, so let them judge and share their opinion.

Gladly, Wizspeed can help you determine your WordPress website’s performance. So, contact us now and let our expert manage your website professionally.