6 Essential Steps in Website Redesign Process

Learn about the 6 most crucial steps in the website redesign process that every website owner should consider.

A new website plays a prominent role in business progression. Your business needs a website to connect with the customers and revive brand identity for a longer time. However, the website redesign process is overwhelming as it involves various procedures and complicated tasks.

How to know when it’s the right time to redesign your website? What do you need to prepare for, and do you know the expected website redesign price? Here’s a list of some questions that can help you decide if it’s the right time to pull the trigger and think about redesigning a WordPress website.

  • Does your website design look outdated, or have you recently refreshed your brand?
  • Is your website causing a decline in sales and ROI?
  • Have your website’s conversions decreased continuously?
  • Have you received complaints from customers related to user experience?
  • Do your customers want you to redesign your website for a better visual appearance?
  • Have you changed your business goals after launching your website?

Ask yourself these questions mentioned above and think about website redesigning afterward. Surprisingly, 80% of consumers believe that company experience is equally important as the products or services a company offers.


6 Major Steps in the Website Redesign Process

You must adopt a strategic approach while redesigning a WordPress website. Redesigning a website can take a few weeks or months, as it entirely depends on the scale of your website transformation.

Here are some essential website redesigning steps you all must follow.

1- Access Your Existing Performance Metrics

An initial audit can better understand what requires improvement instead of relying on guesswork. It is the first and foremost step in the website redesign process.

It is preferable to build a sitemap of your existing website and analyze each page to observe considerable user trends. Analyze your sitemap, web page’s content and user journey for better understanding. It will help you shape UX, including recreating your existing content, wireframing, and streamlining your checkout procedure.

You can use different tools to see how your website is currently doing and the potential pain you need to resolve to make your website better for users.

Here are some primary website metrics you all must analyze;

  • The average time a user spends on a website
  • Number of pages receiving maximum traffic
  • Total forms submission and lead generation
  • Total number of unique visitors
  • Top-performing keywords
  • Bounce rate your web pages receive

So, assess these factors mentioned above to improve your website performance.

2- Identify Your Website Redesigning Goals

Identification of the You can quickly refine your website priorities once you receive data after following the steps mentioned above.

Goals for a new website

  • Make sure your visitors don’t bounce off the web pages quickly
  • To enhance website speed
  • Convert potential customers into loyal customers
  • Improve organic traffic of your website through effective SEO strategies
  • Make your downloadable information more accessible to everyone
  • To introduce an easy-to-navigate option on your website

Remember, identifying website redesign goals in the first place can help you avoid various inconveniences in the future.

3- Explain Your Brand Message

Your company’s name and logo say everything about your brand. Your brand represents your company and what you offer. Therefore, it is necessary to refresh your brand and to message if they look outdated.

Nevertheless, if you have recently created a business website, ensure a consistent and satisfactory user experience. Spending money on marketing campaigns that can take users to old websites is useless. It can make them think that they are on the wrong page. As a result, they will leave your web page in no time.

We strongly recommend you provide a branding style guide to your digital marketing or web design agency before they start working on your website. Also, inquire about website redesign price before time. Then, it will make it easier for them to introduce marketing strategies according to your brand message.

4- Evaluate Your Competitors

The selection of the correct CMS system entirely depends on your business, i.e., what type of CMS is adequate for your business and what features you need to add to your website during the redesigning process.

Whether you are familiar with chosen CMS or not, it is suggested to trust the web development team you have selected for your website redesigning purposes. Your website’s backend works like the engine of a car. So, make changes to the backend of your website whenever needed.

5- Select the Correct CMS System

Public awareness may sound easy, but working on it can be daunting, especially when you do not know how to perform it well in the first place. Influencer marketing can help you achieve this objective but let us introduce the concept of influencer to you first.

A person famous in a particular niche with no responsibility for a product is known as an influencer. Influencers can promote your product or app on social media platforms, including Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, LinkedIn, Snapchat, Instagram, etc.

So, let some renowned influencers test your product/app first, and they can promote it in their social circle or among followers. It’s a remarkable way to promote your app in less time.

6- Post Development Quality Assurance

Indeed, it’s the last step, but most web developers overlook it without identifying its significance. Small businesses launch their websites after completing web design and development.

However, it is advantageous to launch your website after ensuring its quality and functionality. Make sure your website has no bugs or broken links. You can create a 301-redirect strategy to retain the traffic and link value associated with a page.

Wizspeed’s Exclusive Website Redesign Process

No denial: website redesigning is a complex process. However, you can choose Wizspeed for this purpose. Our expert web development team can turn ideas into responsive and functional websites within your budget.

So, contact us now and let us build momentum by building better websites for you.